Life After Microblading

Is there life after microblading? The answer is YES!

Is your microblading starting to look a bit old and tired? 

Is your old microblading now a funky colour?

Are you unhappy with your results after microblading at another clinic?

Perhaps you’re unhappy with how your eyebrows look after microblading has faded?

Perhaps you’ve decided you want a different style of brow?              

Are you asking yourself “what can I do now?”

Well, the good news is that after Microblading has faded, there are several treatment options…

after microblading

How to get five star eyebrows...

Get a Colour Boost

Microblading should ideally be refreshed every 12-18 months.  If the shape and colour of your old microblading is still there but just faded, getting a colour boost will restore your brows and refresh the colour.  This option is only available to clients who have had previous microblading with me.  If your old microblading was done by another artist, i’ll need to check it out before I can agree to a colour boost.  

Hair Stroke Eyebrows

If you’ve had microblading in the past, you’ll know it generally lasts between 12-18 months.  If you’ve loved having it but are ready to commit to a stronger look, you may want to try hair stroke eyebrows instead.  Hair stroke eyebrows give a similar look to microblading, that is beautiful, soft and natural hair strokes.  The difference is that the tool that is used to perform the treatment is a digital machine and needle, rather than a manual blade.  The result tends to look a little more bold than microblading but is a better option for those with oilier skin types than microblading.   

Ombré Eyebrows

If your old, faded microblading feels passé or you’re back to pencilling in your eyebrows every day.  Perhaps you’re eager for a new look?  Enter microblading’s big sister, ombré eyebrows.  Also known as powder eyebrows, ombré eyebrows are one of the most popular treatments I’m offering right now.  I personally love this look.  The soft pixelated edges and density of colour gives soft definition in all the right places.  This technique suits all skin types, lasts well and ages beautifully.  

Colour Correction

If your eyebrows have turned a funky colour after microblading then do not panic!  I can help.  

As an expert in colour correction, I see many clients after microblading who’s eyebrows, over a period of time have either turned grey, orange, pink or even blue or purple! There are a number of reasons this can happen but it’s not the end of the world.  More often than not, unwanted hues of colour after microblading can be corrected if the artist understands and is experienced in colour correction.  It is important to go to someone who is experienced in colour correction and really knows what they are doing in order to avoid any further disasters.  

LiFT Lightening

LiFT lightening is a great non laser method of lightening and removing unwanted pigment.  When eyebrows are too dark and saturated for covering with another technique or the eyebrows have resulted in more than one undesirable colour after microblading, LiFT is a great alternative to correction.  Unlike laser removal, LiFT is not colour selective, it works on every colour and on any areas after microblading and permanent makeup has faded.  LiFT can even be used for emergency removal after microblading or permanent makeup, if done within 48 hours of the treatment. 

Get a professional opinion

If you're unsure which is the best treatment for you, why not book a consultation to discuss options. 

You can book a consultation easily online by clicking the button below.


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