Sara Duane

HAIR LOSS overview


No one wants to lose their hair. However, it happens to more people that you might think or be aware of.

Hair loss is common and can have a number of causes. In some cases, the hair loss can be treated. However, the treatment options for hair loss can be limited and may not work in all cases.

Hair loss affects about 80 percent of men and 30 percent of women at some point in their life. Suffering with hair loss can feel incredibly isolating so it’s important to understand that, if you experience any of the symptoms of hair loss, you’re definitely not alone. Here are some staggering hair loss facts that might surprise you.

hair loss facts
Hair loss facts :
did you know?
  • 14.5 million people in the UK experience hair loss, 8 million (the majority) of which are women.
  • Hair loss can start as young as age 15.
  • 1 in 4 men will start losing their hair before 21.
  • 50% of women start losing their hair by 50 years old.
  • 65% of patients experience hair loss as a result of chemotherapy.
  • Men of African descent have the lowest hair density, then Hispanics and Caucasians.
  • People of Caucasian descent are most affected by androgenetic alopecia (genetic hair loss) followed by Asians and Africans, in that order.
  • British men are said to be more afraid of losing their hair than their job.
  • 81% women said hair thinning affected a woman’s appearance in a negative way.
  • 81% of women feel confident when their hair looks great, and 72% say their hair is empowering.
  •  A hair transplant in the UK can cost anything from £1000-£30,000.
  • Not all hair transplants are successful.



In order to understand your hair loss condition, it’s important to understand how the hair grows. 

The three main stages in the cycle of hair growth are Anagen, the growing phase, Catagen, the regression phase and Telogen, the resting phase.


Hair grows on average 0.25 – 0.5 inches per month and generally grows faster in the Summer and the Winter. The growth (Anagen) phase can last between 2 – 6 years so full length hair can vary from 10-30 inches.


At the end of the Anagen phase the hair enters the Catagen phase which is a period which signals the end of a period of hair growth and lasts a few weeks. During the Catagen phase the hair follicle shrinks forcing the hair bulb to detach from the follicle. The hair is then shed during the Telogen phase.


The last phase of hair growth is the Telogen phase. This period is a phase whereby the hair growth goes through a period of rest. Hair is released and sheds with normal activity. The follicle remains inactive for a period of approximately 3 months after which The Anagen phase reactivates, starting the process all over again.

Hair loss issues and problems with hair growth or thinning, happen when the hair growth cycle is disrupted. There are many situations which may trigger this, for example, drastic dieting, hormonal changes, illness or autoimmune conditions.

hair loss facts :
hair loss in men

The majority of hair loss in men can be attributed to genetics (androgenetic alopecia) or simply ageing (involutional alopecia).

Androgenetic Alopecia is caused by high levels of DHT hormones shrinking the hair follicle.

Involutional Alopecia is the progressional thinning and loss of hair that comes with age.

Over time, a greater number of hair follicles move into the resting phase and remaining hairs become shorter, finer and fewer in number. 

After Androgenetic Alopecia, ageing is the second most common type of hair loss in men.

Hair Systems, also known as Hair Replacement Systems or Hair Restoration Systems are a cosmetic, non surgical way to cover areas of hair loss.  Find out more about our Hair Systems here

Scalp Micropigmentation is an innovative, non-surgical treatment that is quickly becoming one of the top solutions for hair loss in men and women. Hypoallergenic pigments are injected into the scalp using fine, ultra-precise needles to create the illusion of a hair follicle. It can provide partial or full coverage of the scalp. Find out more about Scalp Micropigmentation here.

Women can experience hair loss for a variety of reasons. We naturally shed around 50-100 hairs a day, however, women with high-stress levels are 11 times more likely to experience hair loss.

Genetics are responsible for the majority of hair loss cases in women and hair loss is very common among women as they age but it’s not something people talk about and the stigma and lack of awareness surrounding female hair loss is still prevalent, even today..

In the past, many women have been afraid of having to accept that they are going bald and as such, haver avoided talking about it and dealing with it.

Now is the time to break the stigma.

Real and synthetic hair products have come a long way in recent years. The use of hair extensions, high quality hair pieces and even wigs is becoming less stigmatised and more mainstream. Find out more about our wig and hair piece supplier here.

Hair loss in women doesn’t have to be anything to hide anymore – it’s possible to look and feel beautiful after losing your hair.

Find out more about me and my hair loss services here.

hair loss facts :
hair loss in women

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