What is the best Microblading aftercare?

I am asked regularly why some people’s Microblading heals great and others don’t. There are many factors that can affect how microblading heals. One of the most important factors in achieving great microblading results is following the best microblading aftercare.
Whenever people see bad results after Microblading, they automatically blame the artist but whilst it’s true that there are poorly trained and inexperienced microblading artists producing poor quality work, this is not always the reason for a bad result.
If your results on the day of your appointment were amazing but your healed results leave a lot to be desired, then you may want to ask if you followed the best Microblading aftercare as this can really make or break how well your Microblading turn out and how long it lasts. Also, ask if and what advice your artist gave you and if it was the right advice.
There are differing opinions in the Permanent Makeup industry as to what is the best course of treatment to follow for the best microblading aftercare. There are typically two main methods : Wet Healing and Dry Healing. In this guide, I explain what each method involves and which I believe is best and why.
Best Microblading Aftercare : How does the body heal itself?
After the skin has been broken it goes through a process of changes in order to repair itself.
The first stage of healing is to stop any bleeding. Whilst bleeding during microblading and permanent makeup should be minimal, the body will still enter a phase called Hemostasis in order to stop any bleeding and begin the healing process. Once the microblading treatment ends, the blood begins to clot within minutes and start forming a scab in order to protect the tissue beneath.
Once bleeding has stopped, the body can begin cleaning and healing the area and begin rebuilding the cells using processes known as Inflammation and Proliferation.
Finally, the area will enter the final stage of healing which is practically invisible to the eye. The skin needs to continue to repair itself even after the skin appears to be healed on the surface. This process is known as Maturation. The whole cycle of healing should take around 4-6 weeks. For this reason you should never have a Microblading retouch earlier than 28 days, although I recommend waiting until around 6-8 weeks for best results.

Best Microblading Aftercare : Wet Healing v Dry Healing

The dry healing method of Microblading aftercare involves keeping the area dry from water, especially during showering or bathing. The area is carefully washed and dried twice a day but no aftercare cream or balm is applied during the healing period.
The wet healing method of Microblading aftercare also involves keeping the area dry from water, especially during showering or bathing. The area is also carefully washed and dried and then an aftercare cream or balm is applied twice a day for the duration of the initial healing period.
Some artists recommend keeping the area completely dry during the healing period. This advice sometimes includes avoiding washing the area entirely. In my opinion , this advice is completely irresponsible and a fast way to get an infection. The skin mist be kept clean in order to heal properly and avoid a build up of bacteria.
Best Microblading Aftercare : My Verdict
So, what IS the best microblading aftercare?
In my opinion, the wet method wins. Hands down.
The proof that moist wounds heal faster than dry wounds was realised by Dr. George D. Winter in 1962. The research in his paper, “Formation Of The Scab And The Rate Of Epithelialization Of Superficial Wounds In The Skin Of The Young Domestic Pig” showed that, contrary to the belief at the time that wounds should be allowed to dry out and form scabs to promote healing, wounds in fact heal faster when kept clean and moist. Winter’s work began the evolution of modern wound dressings that promote moist wound healing.
Whilst many Microblading & Permanent Makeup artists also agree that wet healing is the best method, many use aftercare products that contain petroleum jelly, lanolin, mineral oil and paraffin.
I prefer to use Membrane Microbalm, an aftercare product specifically designed for Microblading aftercare, which is made from natural ingredients, provides a breathable barrier which keeps the area moist, supports the healing process and is vegan friendly and cruelty free.

My Top 10 tips for best Microblading aftercare...
For 1-2 weeks…
1. Keep the area clean and dry.
2. Gently wipe with a clean, damp cotton pad, ensuring you dry the area immediately with a clean, dry tissue. Do this every morning and every evening.
3. Once clean, apply a light layer of aftercare balm. Do this every morning and every evening.
4. Avoid getting the area wet, particularly in the bath/shower.
5. Avoid going out in the rain.
6. Avoid sun and tanning beds/treatments including fake tan.
7. Avoid exercise that can cause sweating.
8. Do not pick, peel, scratch or rub the area during healing.
9. Do not apply any moisturisers or makeup to the area until fully healed.
10. Wait at least 4-6 weeks before attending a retouch appointment.
2 thoughts on “What is the best Microblading Aftercare?”
I just got my eyebrows microbladed 2 days ago. I don’t know if it’s just where I haven’t had eyebrows in so long or what but they REALLY don’t look right. Can you get in touch with me so I can get your opinion & maybe some advice? I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi Ali. I’ve sent you an email. Please check your inbox. Many thanks. Sara